We are the result of our thoughts.
What are negative thoughts?
Is it easy to erase our negative thoughts?
Why negative thoughts occur and disturb us?
We are all conditioned or programmed from our childhood with lots of negative words, like
Don’t do this,
You may fail,
We are not lucky,
We should not think big or dream big.
I am not lucky and so on…
We are all emotional being. All our emotions (both positive and negative) are registered in our subconscious mind. It’s also proven our negative thoughts are 2.5 times more powerful than our positive thoughts.
Having a successful life and achieving your goals are skills that everyone can learn using Rapid Mind Power. To do so, the most important point you need to remember is: What you focus on you attract. Simply put, you train your mind to think about what you want in life, and you avoid thinking about what you don’t want. Worry, fear, negative thinking, these are all allowing the mind to focus on what you don’t want. Not only does this drain your energy but it is counterproductive. That is why fear is so destructive and why despair and hopelessness must be avoided. They are in many ways Mind Power in reverse.
So how do we eliminate this negative thinking? The first step is to recognize the importance of eliminating them, and the second step is to be aware when negatives are happening to us.
These negative thoughts or negative conditioning can block / slow our progress in achieving our goals. Unless we don’t get rid of these negative thoughts, it will be difficult to achieve our goals.
Some of the ways to reduce the negative thoughts are
Watching or listening to jokes
Feeding the mind with positive thoughts by reading / watching inspirational stories/ movies.
Counting the blessings and thanking for it.
Physical exercise.
Use humor and fun.
Now you can’t avoid negative thinking entirely. Sometimes negative thoughts just pop into our mind. What we can do, however, is to be vigilant and aware, so that we immediately recognize when we are thinking negatively. And when we catch ourselves thinking negative thoughts we can use any of these techniques:
Change the negative thought into a positive one. For example, if you are worried and focusing on what could go wrong in a situation, change your thoughts to what could go right. The mind can only think one thought at a time; so changing the negative into a positive eliminates the negative.
Use an affirmation. Begin affirming to yourself something positive and self-supporting. The mind will focus on what you are repeating to yourself.
We get very serious and stressed when we’re thinking negative thoughts. Think of something funny to change the energy, or do something fun like going to a movie or having a night out with friends. Don’t let your negative thoughts have power over you. Be proactive in eliminating them.